Saturday 14 April 2012

tuEagles Anti-p0rn Removal/Deactivation

If you cannot find the PASSWORD to uninstall the Tueagles Anti-p0rn program here's the QUICK KILL.


Browse until you find "tuEagles Service"
Once found, DOUBLE CLICK on it and CLICK STOP.
Once it stopped.
There's a TIP to get the quick kill (òó,)

In order for that to have effect. Restart your computer... but oh.. I just found something that you don't have to do that instead LOGGING OFF will be also be fine..

Best works to those have Deep Freeze and prevents you to get into it ("^^,)

After LOGGING IN, tuEagles has been deactivated and you can ENJOY WHAT YOU WANT TO ENJOY! (òó,)

After you deactivate it and if you want to delete it as whole, well, it's a password protected, you can't delete all files only some and you can ruin its files for the future that won't be able to be active.

If you have CCleaner, remove tuEagles in STARTUP

C:/Programs Files/tueagles. Just type it address bar (Since it was really HIDDEN) even if Show Hidden Folder and delete something that be deleted or can be done through Windows Registry.

Whew... that took me so long to analyze the quickest way. Well, I watch p0rn but not much ("^^,) its just tuEagles so very annoying... you can't view pages that has something "p0rn related keywords" even "hen" (animal) if tuEagles is activated, you can't view it > < cause it's a keyword related to p0rn "hentai"

- Chrisle